Choose Your Perfect Wedding Readings

Church Wedding Ideas

Every detail of your wedding day should be a reflection of your unique love story and choosing the perfect wedding readings is no exception. They bring emotion, depth, and personal touch to your ceremony. Here, we are pleased to share our top 10 pieces of advice to guide you in selecting readings that will resonate with you and your guests. If you want to take a look at any of the readings we have recommended, we have curated a Pinterest board with all our favourites here.

1. Embrace Your Story

Selecting a reading that aligns with your unique love story allows the essence of your relationship to shine through the ceremony. Whether it's a tale of love at first sight, a slow burn, or rekindled romance, there's literature that echoes your journey. If you met through a shared interest, find a reading that connects with it. For instance, those who found love after a long friendship might resonate with an excerpt from "The Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams: “Real isn’t how you are made... It’s a thing that happens to you." This reading can offer a tender look at love that evolves over time, mirroring your personal story.

2. Consider Your Ceremony's Tone

The tone of your wedding readings should complement your overall wedding theme. If you plan a laid-back and informal celebration, light-hearted and humorous readings can set the mood. You might choose poem, "He never leaves the seat up," to evoke laughter and showcase your relationship's playful side. For a more formal and elegant affair, classical and poetic excerpts such as Shakespeare's "Sonnet 116" could be the ideal match. By aligning the reading's tone with your wedding style, whether it's whimsical, serious, or anything in between, you create a harmonious atmosphere that enhances the overall experience for you and your guests.

3. Involve Family and Friends

Involving family and friends in the reading can be a delightful way to include the people who have supported your relationship. Consider what your chosen readers might enjoy or what connects to their relationship with you. A sibling might read a the poem “On your wedding day” by Danielle Reed, creating a heartfelt connection between your familial and romantic journey. This involvement not only adds emotional richness but strengthens the bond and memory shared on your special day.

4. Add Cultural Flavour

If you come from a distinct cultural background, integrating traditional texts or blessings can add depth and heritage to your ceremony. For example, a couple with Irish roots might choose a traditional Irish blessing, or those with African heritage might select a beautiful African proverb. These readings help honour your roots and make the ceremony more intimate, connecting generations and weaving your shared cultural history into your wedding day.

5. Consider Length and Complexity

The right reading isn’t necessarily the longest. A short and profound quote might resonate more deeply with your guests than a lengthy piece. Like the powerful quote by David Viscott, "To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides," brevity can carry immense meaning. It ensures that your guests remain engaged, allowing the emotion and sentiment to be the focus, rather than losing the essence in complexity or length.

6. Think Beyond Romantic Love

While romance is often the focus, readings can also celebrate friendship, trust, or the growth within a relationship. Excerpts that touch on these elements, like a passage from "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, can provide a more nuanced and wholesome representation of love. By considering these aspects, you’re creating a multifaceted portrayal of your love, showcasing its depth and many beautiful dimensions.

7. Match the Reader to the Reading

Consider the interests, personalities, and comfort level of your readers when assigning readings. If you have a close friend who shares your love for adventure, they might take great pleasure in reading a passage from "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien, emphasising the notion of a shared journey. This careful pairing not only creates a seamless experience but adds authenticity and personality to the ceremony.

8. Express Your Values

Selecting readings that reflect your shared values or spiritual beliefs can make the ceremony deeply personal. If your relationship is grounded in faith, incorporating religious texts, such as 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, may speak to the core of your bond. By aligning your readings with what matters most to both of you, you imbue the ceremony with sincerity and soul.

9. Incorporate Music

Lyrics from a favourite song can serve as beautiful readings. Whether it’s a song from when you first met or one that’s become “yours” over time, lyrics like those from "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles can add a playful, yet profound touch. Music often holds powerful memories and emotions, and integrating lyrics into your ceremony can evoke these feelings in a most heartwarming way.

10. Always Personalise

Personalising your readings ensures that they are uniquely yours. If you have a letter, poem, or words that you've written to each other, consider incorporating them. This personal touch transforms the ceremony, making it genuinely reflective of your relationship. It's your day, and the readings should resonate deeply with you, speaking to the heart of your love and commitment.

Your wedding readings are not just words on paper; they become living echoes of your love and devotion. Careful selection, attention to detail, and thoughtful personalisation can turn them into memorable highlights of your special day. At Serendipity Events, we're passionate about assisting you in crafting a wedding that's not only unforgettable but truly yours. Together, let's create the magic that you both deserve.

Sophie O'Connor